
Greenfoot color
Greenfoot color

greenfoot color

The Alice move procedure contains which arguments? Mark for Reviewħ.

greenfoot color greenfoot color

The say procedure in Alice plays an audio file.

#Greenfoot color code#

The code entered in the class's procedure in the procedures tab. The code entered in myMethod in the Code editor. The code entered in myFirstMethod in the Code editor. The one-shot procedures selected in the Scene editor. In an Alice program, which code is executed when the Run button is clicked? Mark for Review In Alice, when a new procedure is declared, all subclasses of the superclass will inherit the procedure. The pajamaFish class, clownFish class, and Swimmer class In Alice, if a procedure is declared for a clownFish class, which classes can use the procedure? Mark for Review Defining the scenario, and the Alice animation to represent the scenario, is the first step to programming your animation. When the end to the act method isn't established.ġ. When the end to the code isn't established. From your Greenfoot lessons, when do infinite loops occur? Mark for Review Which of the following Greenfoot logic operators represents "not"? Mark for Reviewġ5. In Greenfoot, which of the following statements could prevent an infinite loop from occurring? Mark for Review In Greenfoot modifying an actors constructor to accept an initial speed is a form of abstraction? Mark for Reviewġ3. When you take an Object of one particular type and turn it into another Object type. Writing more generic statements to handle the creation and positioning of many objects is one Abstraction technique? Mark for Reviewġ1. In Greenfoot, constructors can be used to create new instances of objects. What is the result of the following code?ĩ. If a value has been assigned to (is stored in) a variable, that value will be overwritten when another value is assigned to the variable using the assignment "=" operator. In Alice, which of the following programming statements moves the cat forward the distance to the bird? Mark for Review Identify an example of an Alice expression. A conditional loop is a loop that will continue forever. The Alice If control structure requires the false statement to be populated.

Greenfoot color