
Keyclick for surface 1
Keyclick for surface 1

  • Allow participants to practice typing with the keyboard before measuring performance, even when assessing first-time usage.
  • keyclick for surface 1

    Allow participants to adjust their chair height and to move the keyboards into a comfortable position when testing keyboard typing performance.The following are suggestions for usability practitioners: Designers of tablet physical keyboards must assess the tradeoff between optimal keyboard size, weight, and thickness, and a design that affords accurate typing. Results from this study reveal the importance of tactile feedback to user typing performance and satisfaction. In addition, users reported the flat keyboard was more mentally demanding, more frustrating, and required more effort to use. Users demonstrated typing speeds approximately 10 words per minute (WPM) slower and were prone to typing errors such as incorrect key substitutions, omissions, and inadvertent insertions with the thinner, pressure-sensitive keyboard. Results show a clear advantage in both performance and satisfaction for the mechanical-key keyboards.

    keyclick for surface 1

    Typing performance, and perceived usability and workload were assessed.

    keyclick for surface 1


    Participants unfamiliar with the keyboards were asked to type a series of phrases on each keyboard after a short practice. The thinnest keyboard featured durability and pressure-sensitive keys while the other two keyboards were slightly thicker, but used mechanical keys. The keyboards varied in weight, thickness, and key travel. All keyboards were dual purpose in that they served as tablet covers in addition to typing input devices. This study presents an evaluation of user performance and satisfaction of three physical keyboards that accompany two popular tablet computers.

    Keyclick for surface 1