Scientists hope the images of the Sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, will help improve their computer models of solar activity. This 3-D image shows activity on the “edge” or limb of the SunĪ satellite duo called STEREO has produced the first ever three-dimensional images of the Sun, NASA announced on Monday. The holes appear dark in part because they contain fewer particles that emit light

STEREO snapped a 3D image of the full disc of the Sun, which shows three holes in its outer atmosphere, or corona. Our entire solar system can be explored through this excellent astronomy app.Red represents the coolest features and gold the hottest in the Sun’s outer atmosphere Information is age appropriate, detailed and animated video clips make learning our solar system even more engaging. The amount of information users can learn about the planets, moons, satellites and other celestial bodies is impressive. Solar Walk is a great educational tool appropriate for both adults and children. Choose the view mode comfortable for you (orrery/true-to-scale). Share interesting screenshots of the app with your friends. Enjoy 3D planetarium with the help of special glasses and activating the anaglyph mode. Watch a collection of educational solar system movies to learn about space-related topics including Earth's moon phases, Earth's cycles, tidal phenomena, and zodiacal constellations. Find an exciting view of the Milky Way Galaxy. Travel in time and see what the universe and our solar system looked like at a certain period. Make virtual flights from one space object to another.

Enjoy gorgeous graphics and visuals while navigating through the solar system. Turn into an astronomer and explore planets, moons, satellites, asteroids, dwarf planets, comets, stars and other celestial bodies. Solar Walk enables you to: Observe 3D model of our solar system with all its objects in real time and in proper orientation. Awesome with a smartboard as well." - by jbrown61. "It's great for showing my students the relative positions of the planets in the solar system, the satellites orbiting the Earth and our place in the galaxy.

Because Solar Walk knows what time it is, the planets are in proper orientation to the Sun: Earth is dark where it is currently night and gradually lightens to daytime on the other side." - NY Times. "Zoom from Mercury to Pluto (which makes the cut in this app), passing each planet's moons along the way. It's the kind of thing you can imagine a science teacher using in the classroom of the future - except that we don't have to wait." - CNet. "This jaw-dropping app provides a wholly interactive 3D model of our solar system, one that's had me hooked for days. Set against a haunting, atmospheric soundscape, the app shows planets and satellites in their correct positions, and offers mini movies, facts and other related tidbits." - TNW. "Solar Walk serves up a visually impressive 3D model of our solar system. National Parenting Publications Awards (NAPPA) - GOLD winner in the Educational Tools for Parents and Children category. Start your fascinating journey through the realms of space and learn more about the universe we live in. Solar Walk is an amazing 3D model of our solar system bringing the universe to the palm of your hand and allowing you to interact with planets, satellites, moons, comets and other space objects anytime and anywhere.